In the absence
of any living organisms, a lake contains a wide array of molecules and ions
from the weathering
of soils in the watershed,
the atmosphere, and the lake bottom. Therefore, the chemical composition of
a lake is fundamentally a function of its climate (which affects its hydrology)
and its basin
geology. Each lake has an ion
balance of the three major anions
and four major cations
(see Table 4).
Mg+2 |
17% |
Cl- |
Na+ |
15% |
K+ |
4% |
other |
1% |
other |
1% |
Ion balance means
the sum of the negative ions equals the sum of the positive cations when expressed
as equivalents. These ions are usually present at concentrations expressed
as mg/L (parts per million, or ppm)
whereas other ions such as the nutrients phosphate, nitrate, and ammonium
are present at µg/L (parts per billion, or ppb)
Humans can have
profound influences on lake chemistry. Excessive landscape disturbance causes
higher rates of leaching
and erosion by removing vegetative cover, exposing soil, and increasing water
runoff velocity. Lawn fertilizers, wastewater and urban stormwater inputs
all add micronutrients
such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
major ions such as chloride and potassium, and, in the case of highway and
parking lot runoff, oils and heavy metals. Emissions from motorized vehicles,
fossil fuel-burning electric utilities and industry, and other sources produce
a variety of compounds that affect lake chemistry.
Perhaps the best
understood ions are H+ (hydrogen
ion, which indicates acidity),
SO4-2 (sulfate) and NO3- (nitrate)
which are associated with acid
rains. Mercury (Hg) is another significant air pollutant affecting aquatic
and can bioaccumulate
in aquatic food
webs, contaminating fish and causing a threat to human and wildlife health
(see also the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agencys
section on Hg).
Lakes with high
concentrations of the ions calcium (Ca+2) and magnesium (Mg+2)
are called hardwater
lakes, while those with low concentrations of these ions are called softwater
lakes. Concentrations of other ions, especially bicarbonate,
are highly correlated with the concentrations of the hardness ions, especially
Ca+2. The ionic concentrations influence the lake's ability to
assimilate pollutants and maintain nutrients in solution.
For example, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the form known as marl
can precipitate phosphate from the water and thereby remove this important
nutrient from the water.
The total
amount of ions in the water is called the TDS
(total dissolved salt, or total dissolved
solids concentration). Both the concentration of TDS and the relative
amounts or ratios of different ions influence the species of organisms
that can best survive in the lake, in addition to affecting many important
chemical reactions that occur in the water. One example of particular
interest in the Great Lakes region involves the calcium requirement
of the exotic zebra mussel that is causing profound changes in Lake
Erie (see National
Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse or Sea
Grant Nonindigenous Species Site). Lake Superior appears to be relatively
immune to infestation by this invader because of low calcium concentration.
Its bays, however, such as the lower St. Louis River and Duluth-Superior
Harbor, may not be immune to zebra mussel infestation.