There are a total
of 21 web pages in this on-line limnology primer. Use the navigation
bar located on the top left side of each page, or use the links provided
at the bottom of each page to move forward or backward in the primer.
Throughout these pages, you will find terms that are linked to their
respective definitions. Move the mouse over the link to see a pop-up
window with the definition. Move your mouse away from the term, and
the pop-up window will go away. Click on the link to open the full glossary,
and find more defined terms. Here is an example, Shoreland
Management .
The following
overview is taken from LAKE ECOLOGY OVERVIEW (Chapter 1, Horne, A.J.
and C.R. Goldman. 1994. Limnology. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Co., New
York, New York, USA.)
is the study of fresh or saline waters contained within continental
boundaries. Limnology and the closely related science of oceanography
together cover all aquatic ecosystems.
Although many limnologists are freshwater ecologists, physical, chemical,
and engineering limnologists all participate in this branch of science.
Limnology covers lakes, ponds, reservoirs, streams, rivers, wetlands,
and estuaries, while oceanography covers the open sea. Limnology evolved
into a distinct science only in the past two centuries, when improvements
in microscopes, the invention of the silk plankton net, and improvements
in the thermometer combined to show that lakes are complex ecological
systems with distinct structures.
limnology plays a major role in water use and distribution as well
as in wildlife habitat protection. Limnologists work on lake and reservoir
management, water pollution control, and stream and river protection,
artificial wetland construction, and fish and wildlife enhancement.
An important goal of education in limnology is to increase the number
of people who, although not full-time limnologists, can understand
and apply its general concepts to a broad range of related disciplines.
The Lake
Ecology section is intended to provide a general background to users
by introducing the basic concepts necessary to understand how lake ecosystems
function. The reader is later referred to a list of texts and journals
for more in-depth coverage of the science of freshwater ecosystems.
Much of the text, formatting, and figures are based on the four documents
listed below, although extensive modifications have been made to include
the original lecture notes of Richard Axler,U of Minnesota Natural Resource
Research Institute. Additional citations have been included to provide
appropriate credit.
M.L. 1989. NALMS management guide for lakes and reservoirs. North
American Lake Management Society, P.O. Box 5443, Madison, WI,
53705-5443, USA.
1990. Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual. Second edition
(note - a revised manual is currently in preparation). North
American Lake Management Society, P.O. Box 5443, Madison, WI,
53705-5443, USA.
J.P. 1991. A citizen's guide to understanding and monitoring lakes
and streams. Publ. #94-149. Washington State Department of Ecology,
Publications Office, Olympia, WA, USA 360-407-7472.
B. 1992. A primer on limnology, second edition. Water
Resources Center, University of Minnesota, 1500 Cleveland Avenue,
St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.