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The Minnesota Shoreland Management Resource Guide provides easy access to information about sustainable shoreland practices to improve management of Minnesota's lakes and rivers. By putting resource materials in the hands of local government and citizens, the Shoreland Guide offers an effective, low cost means to reach the people who make the everyday decisions that impact our lakes and rivers.

The Web site contains scientific and technical background, camera-ready quick and easy answers (FAQs), highlights of citizen action, and contact information for Minnesota counties.


The Minnesota Shoreland Management Guide is directed toward shoreland stewards who care about lakes and rivers, including property owners, resource managers, educators, and volunteers.

The Shoreland Guide provides access to useful publications that are out of print or difficult to find, as well as new materials. Documents are formatted for easy on-screen viewing and most can be downloaded as high-quality print copies (PDF files). Leaders and resource managers will find in-depth technical information, and property owners will find detailed guidance for managing their shoreland.

OVERVIEW: The mission statement, acknowledgements, and tips for using the guide are in this section.

QUICK AND EASY ANSWERS: Need help finding basic answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Minnesota's lakes and rivers? This section includes short fact sheets developed for this web site and brochures developed by state agencies and the University of Minnesota Extension Service to help answer those FAQs. The publications may be viewed online or downloaded from PDF files to distribute at meetings or use in newsletters or articles.

IN - DEPTH INFORMATION: This section includes documents recognized by the 1998 Minnesota State Legislature as important for shoreland management. Many are out of print or not easily available. Also included are two basic references, "A Primer on Rivers" and "A Primer on Limnology." Most may be viewed in an online version or downloaded from PDF files.

CITIZEN PAGES: This section highlights citizen accomplishments, including photographs of specific case studies and people to contact. New stories are welcome. Go to CONTACT US to find out how to submit your story. Links to calendars of coming events can be found here.

WHO TO CONTACT: This section includes an interactive map that allows you to click on your county to identify who to call at the local level, including regional contacts for state agencies. This is followed by links to many state and federal agencies dealing with water.

GLOSSARY: This section defines jargon, acronyms, and scientific words used in shoreland publications.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: This section contains links to a variety of web sites for additional shoreland information.

CONTACT US: This section includes contact information for Shoreland Guide staff.


This web site and CD-ROM have been made possible by a grant to Minnesota Sea Grant, in cooperation with the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center, from the Minnesota State Legislature through the Board of Water and Soil Resources. Our tax dollars funded this work.

Appreciation is extended to our multi-disciplinary steering committee for their guidance and help in editing: Kamal Alsharif, Jim Anderson, Randy Anhorn, Marilyn Bayerl, Marybeth Block, Marleane Callaghan, Russ Georgesen, Tom Hammer, Shelley Hanson, Steve Heiskary, Jim Hodgson, Jeff Hrubes, Beth Kluthe, Art Norton, Ken Olson, George Orning, Dirk Peterson, Mary Schmitz, Russ Schultz, Dan Steward, Doug Thomas, Mark Wettlaufer, Bruce Wilson, Dave Wright, and Mark Zabel. Special thanks to Barb Liukkonen and Cindy Hagley, project managers; Debbie Kaminov, Marie Zhuikov, and Scott Robertson, design, layout, and final editing; and Janell Miersch, and Sharon Moen, and Richard Axler, writers.

Permission for use of existing publications was obtained for each publication used in this project. Our thanks to: MLA, BWSR, MDNR, MPCA, CURA, Extension, Freshwater Society, and Mississippi Headwaters Board.